Where To Invest Now
Where to Invest Now Newsletter
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May 1, 2017
Market Strategies Newsletter
Sample Issue
Where To Invest Newsletter
Balanced Investing Strategies To Make Money In Up Or Down Markets
A Publication of Princeton Research, Inc. (www.PrincetonResearch.com)
Contributing Staff: Michael King, Charles Moskowitz
Proven Trading Success
Results From Some Of Our Recent Trade Alerts:
163% Profits on SPY Calls in 2 Days
20% Profits on AGQ Calls in 15 Days
100% Profits on SPY Calls in 2 Days
8% Loss on SPY Puts in 1 Day
100% Loss On VRX Calls in 30 Days
89% Profits on SPY Calls in 1 Day
15% Loss on SPY Calls in 2 Days
66% Loss on SCO Calls in 7 Days
41% Profits on SPY Puts in 6 Days
125% Profits on OIH Calls in 6 Days
130% Profits on GS Calls in 9 Days
217% Profits on XOM Calls in 9 Days
205% Profits on XOM Calls in 3 Days
105% Profits on XOM Calls in 3 Days
50% Loss on NUGT Calls in 10 Days
50% Loss on SJM Calls in 7 Days
117% Profits on GLD Calls in 3 days
50% Loss on GLD Calls in 20 days
62% Profits on XOM Calls in 20 days
50% Loss on HL Calls in 2 Days
50% Profits on PFE Calls in 2 Days
50% Loss on SPY Puts in 2 Days
50% Loss on TWTR Calls in 8 Days
31% Profits TWTR Calls in 2 Days
316% Profits on MOS Calls in 13 Days
154% Profits on MOS Calls in 11 Days
100% Profits on MOS Calls in 8 Days
See all trades in past newsletter issues.
Remember, these trades are based on your participation in the
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New Trades Will Be TEXTED To MEMBERS
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High Return Investments Trade Alerts
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NOTE: This is a Sample Issue Only!
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A Sample of the Where To Invest Now Newsletter
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Where To Invest Now May 1, 2017
Investing Trade Alerts
Charles Moskowitz Discussion
Week 17 was very quiet for the options account due to a very busy travel schedule for me. We only had one SPY day-trade that produced a $30 loss on Tuesday which lowered our YTD gains back to $3595. We also added a small position in the GLD calls from last week’s letter and our funds in use are $966.
The biggest change this week was caused by the “primary” style election results in France Sunday night. It gave us the best back to back days for the market in quite some time, followed by 3 days of not much to talk about. The biggest shift this week was the weekly sentiment numbers noted on page 3 the Market Lab. The bullish number rose an astounding 12.4 to 38.1%, or just about its long term average. Since this is a contrary indicator, this is not a positive development. It puts all 3 of these indicators back to their long term averages giving us no real help other than the direction they have moved.
One of the technical issues that is bothering me is the fact that the Dow Jones Transports continue to show weakness above and beyond the normal rotation of industries and groups. Since this is generally thought to be a leading index it really doesn’t spell better things to come. While the Industrials are less than 1% from their highs and are showing an oversold condition, the Transports are 6% below their highs and are still showing overbought. I realize that we’re only talking about two indexes reflecting only 50 stocks, but the market leadership has gotten so much narrower that this relationship is a lot more apt than most would like to admit. The big names mentioned nightly are driving the bulk of the NASDAQ 100 and the S&P500, also not the best setup for a healthy market.
So, we will now find out whether the “Sell in May and go away” cliché works or not. I’m sure there will be plenty of talking heads discussing why it will or won’t work this year, being the first year of a new presidency or the 17th year of a new millennium or that it won’t happen due to global warming or some other contrived story.
I am going to continue to look for two types of trades; first are the standard “at support” trades that I generally make where the risk is well defined and we are right or right out, and the second are the very short term S&P trades on either side of the market. This second type of trade may seem a little more risky, but with the degree of complacency in the market the volatility is so low that these are historically cheaper options than usual. We have made several of these recently and they have worked out well on the gainers and have been very small losses when we’re wrong…CAM
Investing Trade Alerts Summary
$10,000 Trading Account Trade Table
04/25 |
Sold 10 SPY April 26th 238 Puts |
0.24 |
240 |
30 Loss |
04/25 |
Bought 10 SPY April 26th $238 Puts |
0.27 |
270 |
04/25 |
Bought 6 GLD May $121 Calls |
1.21 |
726 |
04/21 |
Bought 10 HL June 6th $ 6 Calls |
0.24 |
240 |
3rd Week expiration when the month is listed without a date
Remember, these trades are based on your participation in the
Subscriber Members Only
Where To Invest Now May 1, 2017
Market Strategies Technical Information
Support/Resistance Levels: SUPPORT RESISTANCE
S&P 500 23.61 2400
Dow 20,670 21,180
QQQ 134.40 138.00
Transports 88.90 9420
NASDAQ 59.60 6120
Where To Invest Now May 1, 2017
$100,000 Trading Portfolio Stock Positions and Trades
Each stock is allocated a theoretical $ 5,000 share of the portfolio unless otherwise indicated.
Purchase Price | Purchase Date | Stop/Loss | Price/Date Sold | Profit/
(Loss) |
LABU 150 | 46.70 | 04/24 | ||||
AGQ 150 | 40.39 | 04/07 | ||||
SCO 200 | 35.05 | 04/05 | 39.10 4/25 | $ 810 | ||
VRX 200 | 11.08 | 03/16 | ||||
VRX 400 | 12.12 | 03/13 | ||||
NUGT 300 | 8.92 | 03/13 | ||||
RWM 100 | 50.60 | 11/21 | ||||
SPXU 200 | 22.88 | 11/14 | ||||
CTL 150 | 23.29 | 11/04 | ||||
AMBA 100 | 63.75 | 10/13 | ||||
MOS 200 | 27.53 | 05/02 | ||||
EYES 500 | 5.04 | 04/04 | ||||
EYES 1000 | 6.49 | 12/28 | ||||
TWTR 200 | 28.51 | 10/28 | ||||
MOS 100 | 43.55 | 08/14 | ||||
HL 500 | 3.95 | 05/03 | ||||
SAN 600 | 8.40 | 12/16 | ||||
TEXQY 200 | 6.56 | 7/11 | ||||
REPR* 5000 | 0.22 | 10/22/12 | ||||
Recommendations will be both listed in this letter and texted to members.
Previous closed out stock and option positions can be found in past Market Strategies Newsletter issues available in the VIP Subscribers Members Area.
For those of you who do not buy puts to protect your portfolio, there are many ETF’s that are the inverse of the DOW. The symbols are DOG, DXD, SDS,TZA and RWM, which go up when the DOW, S&P 500 and Russell 2000 go down and down when they go up. The DZZ goes up double when gold goes down.
Where To Invest Now May 1, 2017
Market Strategies $100,000 Trading Account
There was one options trade;
the purchase and sale of 20 SPY April 26th 238 Puts losing $ 60.
The net in options trading was a loss of the $ 60.
The stock trading made a gain of $ 810 on the SCO trade buying at 25.05 on April 5th and selling at
$ 39.10 on April 25th.
In addition the GDX trades bought last December and sold April 23rd made gain of $ 531.00 and
$ 582.00, totaling $ 1113.
For the entire last two years on closed out trades, our hypothetical profits increased by $ 1923 to $43,635.
Open trade losses increased by $ 2,014 from $13,322 to $15,336.
The options expire on the third Friday of each Month unless otherwise posted.
The Stock table has the following 17 positions: AGQ, AMBA, CTL, EYES( 2 ), LABU, MOS ( 2 ), NUGT, REPR, RWM, SAN, SPXU,TEXQY, TWTR, VRX (2):
The options call for a $ 2,500 investment unless otherwise stated; each stock position requires $5,000 unless otherwise mentioned specifically.
Money management is based on a hypothetical $ 100,000.
The 17 stock positions would cost $ 76,134.
The two long options positions, the 20 HL June 6 Calls and the 12 GLD May 121 Calls would require $ 1,932.
when combined with the stock requirement of $ 76,134 equals $78,066,
which leaves excess cash of $ 21,934.
These figures are approximate and there might be errors. We have not counted the dividends received from many previous trades such as Apple, Colgate Palmolive, JP Morgan, Mosaic, North American Tankers, STNG and Santander, their Brazil affiliate BSBR and Blue Capital Reinsurance which was sold for a profit and many others.
The trading is hypothetical and we do not count commission costs.
Executions that have occurred at or near the open or close of trading sometimes vary from our actual numbers. For example, when something opens down and it is through our price, we take the next trade whether it is an uptick or continues lower. This sometimes results in a 50% trade that is slightly above or below the exact number.
Where To Invest Now May 1, 2017
Previous Week’s Recommendations and
Rules for the Market Strategies
$100,000 Portfolio Trading Account
- All options count for about $ 2,500.00 for model portfolio calculations unless
otherwise stated
- When the option has doubled sell half the position
- Stop Loss protection is either half or offered with each trade
- The cost of the option is the asking price (or the price between the bid and ask,
whichever is more realistic)
- The options will be followed until closed out.
- Option Symbols are stock symbol with expiration month and strike price
Option | Cost | Date | Sold | Date | Profit/
(Loss) |
SPY April 26th 238 | Puts
0.27 |
04/25/17 | 0.24 | 04/25/2017 | ( $ 60 ) | ||
GLD May 121 | Calls
1.21 |
04/25/17 | |||||
HL June 6 | Calls
0.24 |
04/21/17 | |||||
Recommendations will be both listed in this letter and texted to members.
Previous closed out stock and option positions can be found in past Market Strategies Newsletter issues available in the VIP Subscribers Members Area.
You Don’t Need To Learn Any Trading Skills Or
Do Any Time Consuming Analysis and Tracking
+++ We DO IT ALL FOR YOU! +++
We tell you where, when and how much to trade and you get to sit back and enjoy the rewards!
The specific buy and sell trading alerts are sent directly to you by e-mail and text message. So you can get in on and cash out on our winning trades fast and at the right time.
Get Started with Any Amount – Follow our recommended trading guidelines for a $10,000 portfolio or invest more or invest less — Whatever you are comfortable with. Your investment is protected because Time Tested Trading Rules PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL And KEEP YOUR PROFITS.
Join Us Today.
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Where To Invest Now May 1, 2017
Fundamental Analysis Stocks To Buy with Stops
Using fundamentals the following are stocks to trade hypothetically. They have done well. We have taken numerous profits as indicated on the table below. In addition many have been stopped out with small losses. All indicated on the table below.
Balance is critical.
We bought and want to be long Alcoa AA at $ 32.00 which is into support.
Flushing Financial. FFIC fell below the 50 day price moving average which was a selling opportunity. We are long FFIC at $ 19.10 and are holding long the Flushing Financial.
Bank stocks are to be bought in this reaction phase after having continued bullish into the new year.
You must use your own discretion on whether to take profits.
Boeing has gone to $ 184, above the previous high at $ 169.80-170.00, surging from a new high in defense stocks. We remain long. Boeing is on its way to $ 200.
We are disappointed with our long Bristol Myers which should have been bought at $56.20. We originally bought BMY at $ 49.20 back on October 17th, sold on stop at 55.45 December 7th.
We re-bought Hecla HL at 5.24, which had been previously stopped out profitably at $ 5.64 on Dec 15th. Stay long Hecla.
We took profits on ENZ but still want to buy at lower prices.
The HDGE is not relevant at this time.
We are looking to buy the GSCI symbol GSG, a commodity indexed fund managed by Goldman.
Symbol | Name | Business Description | PE | P/S | MV mln | Price | Buy or Sell Limit | Stop Loss
Or offset |
BABA | Alibaba | China Similar to Amazon | 50.67 | 13.21 | 275.5B | 115.21 | Bought @ $ 111 on 4/7/17 opening | 98x |
AMZN | Amazon | Catalog & Mail Order | 189 | 2.90 | 394B | 924.99 Long | Sell on stop | 869x |
SIMO | Silicon Motion | Semiconductor solutions for mobile storage and communications | 9.7 | 2.5 | 1.39B | 48.55 | 39.10
01/28/17 |
41.40x |
CIO | City Office
Real Estate Investment Trust high quality Offices | 292 | 5.8 | 396Mln | 12.55 | Re Buy at 12.12 | 11.50x |
GSG | GSCI | Commodity Indexed Fund | 14.43
stopped out |
14.75 Buy | 14.39sco | |||
TPC | Tutor Perini | Construction | 12 | 0.25 | 1.3B | 30.85 | 19.40
10/31/16 |
28.90x new stop loss |
SAVE | Spirit Airlines | Discount Airline | 13 | 1.6 | 3.6B | 57.27 | 48.10 | 51.00 stopped out 3/17/17 |
BMY | Bristol Myers | Biopharmaceutical Products | 28 | 5.1 | 94.9B | 56.05
Sold at 52.80x
Bought 56.20
03/08/17 |
BA | Boeing | Aerospace, commercial jetliners, military systems | 14 | 0.85 | 81B | 184.83 | Long at
132 10/04/16 |
New stop loss at $ 174 |
HL | Hecla Mining | Basic Materials | 44 | 3.61 | 1.7B | 5.45 | Long at 5.24 3/3/17
Sold at $4.84 |
4.85x Needs to stay above $ 5 to be long |
FFIC | Flushing Financial | Bank Holding company Savings and loans | 13 | 3,5 | 592Mln | 29.48 | 19.10
06/27 |
24.65x |
AA | Alcoa | Aluminum Processing and Technology | N/A | 0.4 | 9.5B | 33.73 | 21.15 originally bought 2/8/16 | Sold at 37.89 Re-Bought at 34.40 3/10/17 |
ENZ | Enzo Biochem | Life Sciences | NA | 1.35 | 134M | 8.80 | Bought
at 5.13 10/7/16 |
Sold on Opening Monday 4/3/17
Sold 8.43 |
BAC | Bank of America | Commercial Bank | 10 | 2.02 | 165.3B | 23.34
Bought at 15.42
9/30/16 |
23.60x stopped out on 3/21/17 |
HDGE | Advisor Shares | Ranger Bear ETF | 8.74
Stopped out at 9.01
2/10 /17 |
Must close above 9.01 to be long : |
Rule 17B Attestations and Disclaimers
Princeton Research, Inc. has approximately 2,581,578 shares of AIVN both free and restricted and represents them for Investor relations. Princeton also has about 40,000 shares of TXGE. Princeton is paid $ 1,500 per month from RMS Medical Products. Princeton has bought 81,100 shares of RMS Medical Products. Princeton was paid $ 2,500 to write a report on Xinergy. Princeton has signed a contract with CBLI to be paid $ 2500 for July and August for investor relations. Princeton has been engaged by Target Energy. No contract is currently in place. Princeton was paid about 500,000 restricted shares of Leo Motors.
When there is no movement in penny stocks, even though there is none or very small losses, we will liquidate ( sold AIVN on stop ) even though we like the company, if money is needed for better opportunities.
We now believe REPR represents upside opportunity. The Target ADR trades at about $ 4.50 in U.S. vs 0.05 in Australia. Princeton owns 400,000 Australia shares and about 900 U.S. ADR’s.
Pursuant to the provisions of Rule 206 (4) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, readers should recognize that not all recommendations made in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of any recommendations referred to in this e-mail issue. Princeton may buy or sell its free-trading shares in companies it represents at any time.
Please Direct All Inquiries To:
Mike King
(702) 650-3000
Charles Moskowitz
(781) 826-8882
Princeton Research
3887 Pacific Street,
Las Vegas, Nevada 89121
Fax: (702) 697-8944
Where to Invest Now
May 1, 2017