Options Trading Service
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Options Investing Trading Alerts Service
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Options Trade Alerts
Investing Trade Alerts
Text Message Investing Alerts
Options Investing Trading Alerts Service
This Options Trading Service summary examines recent options text message investing trade alerts issued through the Princeton Research membership service.
The options trading where to invest now service is offered as part of their Market Investing Strategies Newsletter membership service. The company has combined their long running where to invest your money now financial markets and economic news newsletter with a text message investing trade alerts service.
Special membership offer rates are currently available at:
The options trading service has produced a track record of over 4 years of profitable trading success.
In order to make more investors aware of the investing profits potentials offered, free trade alerts and sample Market Investing Strategies Newsletter Issues are currently being offered for a limited time. This is available at:
Proven Trading Profits
Results From Recent Text Message Investing Trade Alerts:
58% Profits on SPY November 2 214 Puts in 9 Days
109% Profits on SPY November 2 214 Puts in 8 Days
58% Profits on SPY Nov 2 Puts n 3 Days
55% Loss on SPY Oct 28 Puts in 5 Days
123% Profits on SPY Oct 19 Puts in 2 Days
300% Profits on SPY Oct 12 Puts in 2 Days
15% Profits on SPY Oct 19 Puts in 2 Days
50% Loss on LMT Calls in 1 Day
45% Profits on SFM Calls in 6 Days
50% Loss on LULU Calls in 8 Days
50% Profits on TBT Calls in 8 Days
86% Profits on AA Calls in 6 Days
50% Loss on GLD Calls in 5 Days
66% Profits on SPY Puts in 2 Days
47% Profits on SLV Calls in 3 Days
58% Profits on SUN Calls in 3 Days
85% Profits on SPY Puts in 3 Days
82% Profits on SLV Calls in 2 Days
51% Profits on AA Calls in 7 Days
157% Profits on NEM Calls in 4 Days
Join Today to Start Getting Profits Like These.
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High Return Investments Trade Alerts
Go To: PrincetonResearch.com/alerts.htm
Options Trading Service
Head Trader Charles Moskowitz Discussion
Funds in use= $876
We are carrying 2 open positions on the long side in SIG (which we have been short on and off since $134) and the SPY which we have also made consistent gains on the short side. The big news is the Cubs won the World Series for the first time in 108 years and the S&P500 has been down 9 days in a row for the first time since 1980. We’re pretty oversold, but not drastically, and the market has had bigger 1 day moves than the total of these past 9 declines. Besides, on many of these days the internals have actually been positive. On Friday for example the NYSE numbers finished as Volume 313 / 257 UP and stocks 1676 / 1236 UP. The NASDAQ had a tough last hour and between 3 and 4PM went from Volume 878 / 663 to 888 / 1036, still not terrible while stocks went from 1700 / 1100 to a still positive 1437 / 1329.
Election issues seem to be clouding the picture, and the biggest of the big industrial names not making topline numbers isn’t helping. Even some of the secondary favorites showed weakness on forward guidance. SBUX traded $55 Thursday night after their earnings hit, but by Friday opened $51.43, traded up to 53.74 and closed 52.75. Oil was a debacle all week with both lower demand and expectations for a small drawdown that turned into the biggest build in history. We sold out SCO position profitably but early.
We are long because there will either be a relief rally, or some commonsense will return to the market place. The A.A.I.I. numbers are absurdly bullish. Bearish is 10% over average, neutral is 34% over average, and Bullish is an astounding 40% under its historic norm. These are not hard and fast rules but when I weigh the evidence, the only conclusion I can come up with is that even if we have topped out and are headed lower, it’s not a straight line down. I’ve been posting charts of the “Bear Flag” for weeks and it has worked exactly as projected, but a move back towards the point of the break around
2120 would be normal and acceptable in an oversold, 9 day down S&P500. The only problem that I see is leadership. Healthcare, financials, industrials and big tech are some-what tenuous, and if Congress decides that drugs are their new ATM, who’s going to lead the march? CAM
Options Trading Service
Investing Trade Alerts Summary
11/04 | Bought 4 SPY November 9th 212 Calls | 1.24 | 496 | ||
11/02 | Sold 2 SPY November 2nd 214 Puts | 1.97 | 394 | 136 Gain | |
11/01 | Bought 4 SIG November 85 Calls | 0.95 | 380 | ||
11/01 | Sold 2 SPY November 2nd 214 Puts
( 100% Profit Rule ) |
2.58 | 516 | 258 Gain | |
10/28 | Bought 4 SPY November 4th 214 Puts | 1.29 | 516 |
3rd Week expiration when the month is listed without a date
Go To http://www.princetonresearch.com/join.htm
To get the lowest full membership rates available now.
A complete, “done for you” service, the options trading service is not a system or training course. All trade alerts research and analysis is done for the subscribers. Specific buy and sell trading alerts are sent out by e-mail and text message, when the Princeton Research trading team makes the trades.
While suggested buy and sell amounts are issued with the trades, investors are free to invest whatever amounts they are comfortable with. Investors can get started for as little as they are comfortable trading, and move up as they secure profits.
Loss Protection and Secured Profits – The investing strategies utilize strict risk control and avoids the risky “double or nothing” mentality so prevalent in options trading speculation. Two key, time tested, investing strategies rules utilized by the service traders protect the investment portfolio, avoid large losses and enable investors to take their profits.
Both the Market Investing Strategies Newsletter and the trade alerts service are based on the proven principles of “Balanced Investing Strategies To Make Money In Up or Down Markets”.
More information can be seen in the latest where to invest in November 2016 Investing Strategies Newsletter sample issue. It is available in pdf format at:
In addition the options trading alerts newsletter can be seen at:
About The Investing Trading Alerts Service
Princeton Research, Inc. provides e-mail and text message trading alerts. Membership in the investing trading alerts service also includes the Market Strategies Newsletter, which features in-depth balanced investing, make money in up or down markets, financial news and analysis. Sample issues can be obtained at the Princeton Research website along with links to gain access to the full services VIP Member subscriber issues.
The options trading and investing newsletter is produced by Mike King and Charles Moskowitz, who have over 80 combined years of successful investing and market trading experiences.
See More About The
Text Message Investing Trade Alerts Service