Investment Strategies
April 29, 2013
Market Strategies Newsletter
Sample Issue
Covering High Return Balanced Investing Strategies To
Make Money In Up Or Down Markets
A Publication of Princeton Research, Inc. (www.PrincetonResearch.com)
Contributing Staff: Michael King, Charles Moskowitz
Market Strategies
$10,000 Options Trading Account
Open Positions:
There are seven open positions:
NOTE: This is a Sample Issue Only!
To Lock In Your SPECIAL Low Subscription Rate
Options Trading Strategies Comments
This week we made $733
bringing YTD totals to $16,336
Returns Of Over 163%
Total funds in use are $4021.
To clarify this performance I would like to explain that the performance is not levered to use all funds available, but rather is based on the starting investment of $10,000 per unit. This enables us to continue to utilize our strict risk control and to avoid the “double or nothing” mentality so prevalent in options speculation.
The use of our two major rules (100% up rule–sell half and 50% down rule–liquidate position) help to assure that we will not lose our original stake and be able to take advantage of what opportunities the market presents.
The actual equity of the original $10,000 unit is currently $26,336 and the funds in use represent risk of $4,000.
Using the 50% rule as a guide, this really equates to only $2,000 risk or under 10% of current equity.
While we continue to track higher in the markets we have no shortage of bad news being generated. Syria is boiling just below the surface with very negative implications in an already troubled part of the world. The farce of the FAA sequester results and the ability of Congress to find a solution when they were forced into an inconvenience for them heading out for a week off.
Lastly, while we continue to report “above expectation” earnings reports, those expectations have been dramatically lowered and the “top line” misses have caused extreme distress for those companies who have cut costs (read:”layoffs”) to be profitable.
The A.A.I.I. sentiment numbers below show that while we move higher we certainly haven’t become excessively bullish yet. I do look for a further slowing of volume and a sloppy market in the near-term.
Where To Invest Now
Options Trading Strategies Table
Remember, these trades are based on your participation in the
VIP Subscriber Members Only TEXTING SERVICE TO
Trade |
4/26 |
This Information Is For Subscribers Only |
0.65 |
650 |
4/25 |
0.10 |
60 |
4/24 |
0.40 |
240 |
234 Loss |
4/24 |
0.68 |
680 |
4/23 |
1.20 |
600 |
300 Gain |
4/23 |
1.55 |
775 |
600 Gain |
4/23 |
1@3.45 |
420 345 |
188 Gain 113 Gain |
4/23 |
0.79 |
474 |
4/23 |
1.15 |
690 |
222 Gain |
4/22 |
0.76 |
456 |
456 Loss |
4/22 |
2.32 |
464 |
4/19 |
1.00 |
1000 |
650 Gain |
4/19 |
0.85 |
850 |
600 Gain |
4/18 |
1.52 |
912 |
4/18 |
0.60 |
600 |
4/15 |
0.58 |
696 |
4/15 |
0.35 |
700 |
4/15 |
0.78 |
468 |
4/12 |
0.60 |
600 |
350 Gain |
4/01 |
0.73 |
1460 |
3/11 |
0.25 |
500 |
Previous closed out trades not listed here may be seen in previous market letters in the VIP Subscribers Members Area.
Options Trading Strategies Notes: In Texting we have a limited amount of words. In the interest of brevity: we use 8=August , 9=September . The Quantity and Strike Price for each trade is specific.
The Quantity and Strike Price for each trade is specific.
We may trade weekly options and they are noted: SPY 1/25 147 for SPY Jan 25th 147 calls or puts.
For any questions please call (702) 650 3000.
Market Strategies Where To Invest Now
Market Laboratory – Weekly Changes
Prices are copied from Barron’s Weekly and Yahoo Finance and may be incorrect
Dow 14,712.55 +165.04 +1.13% |
Nasdaq 3279.26 +73.21 +2.28% |
S&P 500 1582.24 +26.99 +1.74% |
Transportation 6,115.89 +81.75 +1.35% |
Russell 2000 935.25 +22.75 +2.49% |
Nasdaq 100 2840.55 60.08 +2.16% |
Gold (spot) 1453.60 +58.30 +4.2% |
Silver (Dec ) 2375.8 +79.8 +3.5% |
Crude 93.0 +4.99 +5.7% |
Heating Oil 286.61 +9.04 +3.2% |
Unleaded Gas 2.8273 +.0659 +2.4% |
Natural Gas 4.223 -4.9% |
VIX 13.61 -1.36 -9.1% |
Put/Call Ratios S&P 100 164/100’s +30/100’s |
Put/Call Ratios CBOE Equity 63/100’s -13/100’s
Bonds 148-28 +24 2.86% -0.02% |
10 Yr Note 133.14+14 1.66% -0.48%
Copper 318.45 +3.60 +1.1% |
CRB Inflation Index 285.40 +2.21 +0.8% |
Barron’s Confidence 67.6% +1.3% |
S&P100 712.40 +11.58 +1.65% |
5 Yr Note 124-197 +07 0.681% -0.029%
Dollar 82.47 -0.24 -0.3% |
DJ Utilities 532.03 +4.00 +0.76% |
AAII Confidence Index |
Bullish 28.3% +1.4% |
Bearish 38.8% -9.4% |
Neutral 32.9% +8.0%
M1 Money Supply +11.84% Apr15th
M-2 Money Supply +6.92% Apr15th
M1…all money in hands of the public, Time Deposits Traveler’s Checks, Demand Deposits
M2 adds Savings and Money market Accounts both compared with the previous year.
New Stock Recommendations
$100,000 account
Recommendations will be both listed in this letter and texted to members.
NOTE: This is a Sample Issue Only!
To Lock In Your SPECIAL Low Subscription Rate
Each stock is allocated a theoretical $ 5,000 share of the portfolio unless otherwise indicated.
Stock |
Purchase Price |
Purchase Date |
Stop/Loss |
Price/Date Sold |
Profit (Loss) |
This Information Is For Subscribers Only |
6.49 |
4/24 |
22.20 |
4/22 |
2.40 |
4/22 |
13.32 |
4/11 |
13.62 4/18 |
$ 90 |
15.73 |
4/11 |
15.91 4/25 |
$ 54 |
2.20 |
4/09 |
0.73 |
4/01 |
2.71 |
3/13 |
5.10 |
4/09 |
4.35 |
3/11 |
5.96 4/26 |
$ 1610 |
9.55 |
3/07 |
4.10 |
3/04 |
27.77 |
3/04 |
30.17 4/26 |
$ 480 |
34.37 |
2/22 |
35.27 4/10 |
$ 135 |
48.60 |
11/26 |
538 |
11/08 |
636 |
10/9/12 |
662.00 |
9/27/12 |
35.27 |
8/31/12 |
35.29 |
6/28/12 |
45.34sco |
.24 |
4/9/12 |
.07sco |
0.06 4/17 |
( $ 3541 ) |
.25 |
3/12/12 |
.10 sco |
0.22 |
10/22/12 |
.12 sco |
Note: Previous closed out stock and option positions can be found in past Market Strategies Newsletter issues available in the VIP Subscribers Members Area.
For those of you who do not buy puts to protect your portfolio, there are many ETF’s that are the inverse of the DOW. The symbols are DOG, DXD, SDS,TZA and RWM, which go up when the DOW, S&P 500 and Russell 2000 go down and down when they go up. The DZZ goes up double when gold goes down.
$100,000 Trading Portfolio
Options Trading Strategies
Recommendations And Overall Comments
We made $3,610 in closed out positions
last week mainly because
ARRY, CLDX and MSFT gains.
Our profits for the year gained
to a hypothetical $31,482
We have one long BAC warrant position and six long options positions:
The Stock table includes the following seventeen positions:
The options call for a $ 2,500 investment unless otherwise stated; each stock position requires $5,000 unless specifically stated.
We are basing money management on a hypothetical
$ 100,000.00 and are using $ 8,042
for the BAC Warrants plus the six options positions,
$ 63,836 in the 17 stock positions,
a total of $71,878 with $28,122 in cash.
These figures are approximate. We do not count commission costs and there may be errors.
Executions that have occurred at or near the open or close of trading sometimes vary from our actual numbers. For example, when something opens down and it is through our price, we take the next trade whether it is an uptick or continues lower. This sometimes results in a 50% trade that is slightly above or below the exact number.
Previous Week’s Recommendations and
Rules for the
$100,000 Portfolio Trading Account
- All options count for about $ 2,500.00 for model portfolio calculations unless otherwise stated.
- When the option has doubled sell half the position.
- Stop Loss protection is either half or offered with each trade.
- The cost of the option is the asking price (or the price between the bid and ask, whichever is more realistic)
- The options will be followed until closed out.
- Option Symbols are stock symbol with expiration month and strike price
NOTE: This is a Sample Issue Only!
To Lock In Your SPECIAL Low Subscription Rate
Option |
Date |
Sold |
Date |
Profit (Loss) |
This Information Is For Subscribers Only |
Calls 0.65 |
4/26/13 |
Calls 0.10 |
4/25/13 |
Calls 0.68 |
4/24/13 |
Puts 0.79 |
4/23/13 |
0.40 ( 50% loss rule ) |
4/24/13 |
( $ 468 ) |
Calls 2.32 |
4/23/13 |
4.20 sold 2 3.45 sold 2 |
4/23/13 |
$ 376 $ 226 |
Calls 0.67 |
4/19/13 |
0.67 (sold against long stock position ) |
4/19/13 |
Calls 1.52 |
4/18/13 |
0.76 |
4/22/13 |
( $ 912 ) |
Calls 0.60 |
4/18/13 |
1.20 ( sold 10 lots ) |
4/23/13 |
$ 600 |
Calls 0.58 |
4/15/13 |
Calls 0.78 |
4/15/13 |
1.15 |
4/23/13 |
$ 444 |
Calls 0.35 |
4/15/13 |
1.0 (100% Up Rule and Gap sold half) 1.55 (sold 10 more lots) |
4/19/13 4/23/13 |
$ 1300 $ 1200 |
Note: Previous closed out stock and option positions can be found in past Market Strategies Newsletter issues available in the VIP Subscribers Members Area.
This Weeks’ Market Strategies
Economic Numbers and Media Data
Monday | Health Net, Loews Corp, Energen Boardwalk Pipeline report earnings08:30 hrs Personal Income Mar( 0.3% vs 1.1% )Personal Spending( 0.1% vs 0.7% )
CORE PCE Prices Mar ( 0.1% vs Same )
10:00 hrs Pending Home Sales Mar ( 0.1% vs -0.4% ) Express Scripts ESRX, Sturm Ruger STR, Hertz HTZ, and Jacobs JEC all report
Tuesday | Enterprise products EPDFranklin Resources BEN report before open08:30 hrs Employment Cost Index 1st Qtr( 0.5% vs Same )
09:00 hrs Case Shiller 20 City Index Feb ( 8.7% vs 8.1% )
09:45 hrs Chicago PMI Apr ( 52.0 vs 52.4 )
10:00 hrs Consumer Confidence Apr ( 61.0 vs 59.7 )
Jack Henry JKHY reports after the close
Wednesday | Allergan, Comcast and Chesapeake Energyreport before the open07:00 hrs MBA Mortgage Index 4/27( NA vs 0.2% )
08:15 hrs ADP Employment Change Apr ( 155K vs 158K )
10:00 hrs ISM Index Apr ( 51.0 vs 51.3 )
10:00 hrs Construction Spending Mar ( 0.4% vs 1.2% )
10:30 hrs Crude Inventories 04/27 ( NA vs 0.947Mln bbls )
14:15 hrs FOMC Rate Decision May (0.25% Unchanged)
15:00 hrs Auto Sales Apr ( NA vs 5.3 M ) Truck Sales ( NA vs 6.7 M )
Thursday | ECB May cut Rates 1/4 percentwhich would be bullish for the dollar.08:30 hrs Initial Claims 04/27( 346K vs 339K )Continuing Claims 04/20
( 3050K vs 3000K )
08:30 hrs Productivity Qtr 1 ( 1.2% vs -1.9% )
08:30 hrs Unit Labor Costs Qtr 1 ( 1.6% vs 4.6% )
08:30 hrs Trade Balance Mar ( -$43.5 vs -$43.0 )
10:30 hrs Natural Gas Inventories 4/27 ( NA vs 30 bcf )
Friday | 08:30 hrs Unemployment Report Rate:( 7.6% vs Same )Nonfarm Payrolls Apr ( 150K vs 88K )Hourly Earnings Apr ( 0.2% vs 0.0% )Average Workweek Apr ( 34.6 vs Same )
10:00 hrs Factory Orders Mar ( -2.5% vs 3.0% )
10:00 hrs ISM Services Apr ( 54.0 vs 54.4 )
Market Strategies
Trading Fundamentals
Basic Materials and Oil and Gas made a recovery last week, both up 3.23%, and leading all 10 Dow Industry Groups. Cliffs Natural resources led the way ( CLF: $20.17 ) up $ 2.54 or 14.4%. Apache ( APA: $ 72.28 ) rose $ 3.43 or 5%. EOG resources ( EOG: $ 119.12 ) gained $ 5.68 also a 5% move after having reached its 200 day moving average a week ago (April 18th ) and holding.
Technology stocks gained 3.10% led by Apple ( AAPL: $ 417.20 ) up $ 26.67 or 6.8%.
Financials continued their bullish ways up 2.30% followed by Industrials, plus 2.22%.
Consumer Services gained 1.36% and Consumer Goods 0.88%.
The only two small losing groups were Health Care down 0.10% and Telecommunications minus 0.32%.
Market Strategies Economic Data
Most of the economic reports last week were negative. March Total Durable Goods orders were off 5.7%. Without transport orders namely Boeing, orders continued negative, down 1.4%.
Capital goods Orders were down 12%, Nondefense off 10.6%. Defense capital goods were down the most, 33.2%, influenced by the sequester. A glance at the Boeing chart will tell you that shipments of the beleaguered 787 will resume shortly.
The same situation goes for the March Housing reports. Existing Home Sales were just 4.92 Mln Units annualized, below expectations of 5.01 Mln Units and even below last month’s 4.95 Mln Units. Home prices are up 11.8% year-to-year and are expected to provide incentive for more supply of existing homes to hit the market. Inventory of used homes is at a 4.7 month supply down from a 6.2 month supply last year.
New Home Sales increased 1.7% in March to 417,000 units, down from the January peak of 445,000 units. The consensus expected sales to be around 415-420,000 units. The median sales price increased 3% year-to-year to $247,000. New Home prices have risen much faster than used homes and the higher prices have stalled sales. However, a glance at the daily prices of home builders’ stocks like Pulte Homes ( PHM: $ 21.35 ), KB Homes ( KBH: $ 23.04 ) and D.R. Horton ( DHI: 26.66 ) would indicate the overpowering influence of low interest rates and its bullish effect on the future of the Housing Industry.
A glance at the chart below shows that from 1997 to 2003 the Home Building level was 800,000 to 1,000,000 units. Then from 2004 through 2006 , 1.0 mln Units to 1.3 mln units. Major investment banks and hedge funds like Blackrock ( BLK: $ 263.77 ) and KKR ( $ 21.05 ) have indicated they are preparing to invest aggressively in the housing sector. They would likely take more existing homes off the market.
Market Strategies
Technical Information
Support Levels S&P 500 1543 – 1547
Resistance S&P 500 1588 – 1597
Support Levels DOW 14,435 – 14,455
Resistance DOW 14,790 – 14,860
Support Levels QQQ 67.80 – 68.30
Resistance QQQ 69.95
Support Levels Nasdaq 3240
Resistance Nasdaq 3308
Market Strategies Cycles
May has been a difficult month over the years. May 6th 2010 had the flash crash. May generally is the time to be out. Sell in May and go away is the common slogan. However, in post-election years May ranks near the top.
May is the best performer for both the Nasdaq and Russell 2000 in post- election years. We always suggest insurance should the market break and we have such in our portfolios. Since 1952 according to the SMA the S&P 500 has been the second strongest index. DJIA has been 4th best month. However, the Russell 2000 has been up 8 straight years with gains averaging 4.7%.
The Stock Trader’s Almanac issued a sell signal with a negative crossing of the MACD Index.
They believe the bull market has ended and the bear run has begun. IBM has accurately set the mood for the street most of the time ( almost 75% ) with its earnings reports, this time very negative. In the event they are right, volatility will need to pick up and the markets will be choppy if a top is in. Since mid-November of last year the market has enjoyed a solid run that has provided sizable gains.
The trend remains higher until the constructive patterns are broken.
Apple ( AAPL: $ 417.20 ) and can rally to the 50 day Moving Average ( 433-38 ) after being down 158.50 points or 28.9% this year turned around last week and helped all the averages. The stock appears technically improved while fundamentals can justify a higher price, it needs more technical basing. Apple remains 2x cheaper than Microsoft and 4x cheaper than Google. At this valuation the market is implying that net income will revert back to 2011 levels and that Apple has no new technology.
NOTE: This is a Sample Issue Only!
To Lock In Your SPECIAL Low Subscription Rate
Rule 17 B Attestations:
*Princeton has approximately 2,581,578 shares of AIVN both free and restricted and represents them for I.R.. Princeton also has about 40,000 shares of TXGE. Princeton is paid $ 1,500 per month from RMS Medical Products. Princeton has bought 81,100 shares of RMS Medical Products. When there is no movement in penny stocks, even though there is none or very small losses, we will liquidate if money is needed for better opportunities. We now believe the three small penny stocks we represent for a total outlay of $ 9,725 is well worth the risk.
Pursuant to the provisions of Rule 206 (4) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, readers should recognize that not all recommendations made in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of any recommendations referred to in this Email issue. Princeton may buy or sell its free-trading shares in companies it represents at any time.
Please Direct All Inquiries To:
Mike King (702) 650-3000
Charles Moskowitz (781) 826-8882
Princeton Research
3887 Pacific Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121
Phone: (702) 650-3000
Fax: (702) 697-8944
Visit: www.princetonresearch.com