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The February 11, 2013 show will featured an interview with:
Andy Sealfon, President & CEO of RMS Medical Products
(Stock Symbol: REPR)
Visit the corporate website:
For REPR stock quotes, trading charts and their latest news releases visit this Yahoo Finance link: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=repr
This medical products growth stock company continues to gain market share and increase sales, producing impressive revenue and gross profit growth.
High Return Investments
Medical Stocks to Buy News:
RMS Medical Products Announces
Board Changes, Stock Buy-Back Plan
On December 5, 2013 it was announced that the REPR Board of Directors has approved a stock buy-back program.
Following the procedure set forth under SEC Rule 10b-18, the company intends to purchase up to 1,000,000 shares of its stock on the open market when conditions permit.
Andrew Sealfon also reported that the Company is putting renewed focus and resources into an unprecedented generation of product offerings.
“Volatility and restrictions on costs in the healthcare market mean RMS must be the highest-value producer in our field, if we are to thrive. We achieve this through a long-held belief, that a well-considered product is one that solves a customer’s most pressing problem, with a superior result and at a lower cost. The best way to provide true company growth and stockholder value is to develop such products with the best interests of our patients foremost on our minds, followed closely by the best interests of our customers, employees and shareholders,” he said.
See News Release
Andrew Sealfon, President of the company and Chairman of the Board of Directors, co-founded the company in 1980. Mr. Sealfon is an electrical engineer and inventor and has been granted numerous United States patents. He previously was a member of the Technical Staff of ITT Federal Laboratories, and a member of the research staff of Riverside Research Institute. Mr. Sealfon is a graduate of Lafayette College and performed graduate studies at Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn.
RMS Medical Products provides precision medical devices with:
* Consistent performance
* Ease of use
* Superb economy and
* Unparalleled customer service.
Their innovative products, manufactured in the USA since 1980, help save lives and improve quality of life for patients through superior research, design and development.
Medical Stocks To Buy
The Princeton Research Money Info show features where to invest now, stock market, business, economy and financial investment news.
Money Info is hosted by Mike King, Charles Moskowitz and
K. C. Quintana.