Water Stocks | Best Water Stocks to Buy On Money Info Show

Small Cap Water Stocks to BUy

Water Stocks | Best Water Stocks to Buy

On Money Info Show September 16, 2014

Part 1 of the Show:

Options Trading Newsletter

Part 2 of the Show:

Small Cap Water Tech Stocks to Buy

The show featured a live interview with small cap water stock to buy


Chairman and CEO Scott Tudor

Stock Symbol: WTII

See Corporate Site: gr8water.net

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“We will not know the worth

of water ’til the well is dry”

Water Stocks To BUY

Water Technologies International, Inc., (WTII) is comprised of three wholly owned subsidiaries.

GR8 Water, Inc., (Great Water) is focused on home and office, as well as large commercial AWG’s (Atmospheric Water Generators).

The second wholly owned subsidiary is Aqua Pure International, Inc., a Florida corporation that is focused on filtration devices for the AWG’s.

The third wholly owned subsidiary is Water Technologies International, LLC, a Florida limited liability company.

All of the associated companies are in the business of designing, manufacturing, and distributing Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG’s) and related products.

Small Cap Water Stocks to BUy

Water Technologies International (GR8 Water) is engaged in the manufacture and distribution of technologically advanced Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG).  These unique devices utilize a patent pending air purification input system to produce clean, great-tasting, safe water from the humidity in the air.

GR8 Water makes freestanding water factory units for the home or office and large, industrial-sized water units using a modular design that can produce up to thousands of gallons of water each day from ambient air.

Water Tech Stock


GR8 Water strives to make safe drinking water available to everyone on the planet, making the world a better place in which to live while nurturing the environment.

Tech Stocks to Buy

 Water Stock News

Investment News Show

Options Trading Alerts and

Where to Invest September 2014

will also be covered on the show.

Small cap stocks to buy

Money Info

Investment News Show

The Princeton Research Money Info show features where to invest now, stock market, business, economy and financial investment news.

Money Info is hosted by Mike King and Charles Moskowitz.