November 25, 2013
Market Strategies Newsletter
Sample Issue
Covering High Return
Balanced Investing Strategies To
Make Money In Up Or Down Markets
A Publication of Princeton Research, Inc. (www.PrincetonResearch.com)
Contributing Staff: Michael King, Charles Moskowitz
Read The Complete Options Trading Alerts Newsletter Sample issue in .pdf format:
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Market Strategies Stock Options Trading
$10,000 Account
There are four open positions:
CSCO Dec $24 Calls
FDO Dec $72.50 Calls
NBG Jan 2015, $7 Calls and
XCO December $5 Calls
Funds in Use $ 2,350
This week we recorded a gain of $100
bringing the YTD performance to $30,849
2013 Total Returns Of 308%
The $10,000 Portfolio is now worth $40,849
Market Strategies Stock Options Trading
$10,000 Account
Traders Comments
This week we got stung by another warning of lowered expectations. This time it was INTC lowering their outlook and the stock opening down $1 and continuing lower to close down $1.36.
Our position in the Dec. $24 calls went from a close Thursday of $1.35 (a 64% gain) through our 50% down rule @ $ .41…A real disappointment that shows the consequences for lack of progress for stocks priced for perfection.
The market continues to “melt-up” with the financials helping lead the way. Deal stocks abound and buybacks continue to return money to investors. IPOs continue to perform beautifully. The markets (especially ours) are the only place to put money to work with reasonable returns. Gold and dividend plays, especially many like NLY and AGNC, where retirees were hiding have collapsed. These stocks are not coming back anytime soon…
One of the interest rate issues is that rates trend for long periods of time and once the bottom is in, it may not reverse for quite a while. While they may vary greatly in short-term fits and starts, rates are headed from the lower left to the upper right of the charts.
This week should be interesting since we generally move higher during holiday weeks.
Futures are higher tonight pointing to an unchanged to slightly lower bond market and stocks higher by $7 in the S&P500 and $65 in the DJIA. While overbought, we are at new highs with no real overhang in either.
We continue to search for the overlooked stocks near support and use these opportunities for profits……..CAM
NOTE: This is a Sample Issue Only!
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Market Strategies Stock Options Trading Chart
$10,000 Account
New Trades
Buy 3 AAPL December 13th $ 530 Calls @ $ 5
Buy 8 JBHT December 75 Calls @ $ 0.65
Buy 6 WTW December 32.50 Calls @ $ 0.95
11/22 |
This Information Is For Members Only |
0.52 |
780 |
11/22 |
0.41 |
328 |
328 Loss |
11/20 |
0.32 |
320 |
360 Loss |
11/19 |
0.68 |
680 |
11/18 |
1.35 |
540 |
11/18 |
1.70 |
680 |
372 Gain |
11/18 |
1.86 |
372 |
152 Gain |
11/18 |
1.11 |
444 |
264 Gain |
11/18 |
0.82 |
1312 |
11/13 |
0.77 |
616 |
11/11 |
0.58 |
1160 |
11/04 |
1.10 |
440 |
10/31 |
0.45 |
360 |
10/18 |
0.45 |
450 |
Remember, these trades are based on your participation in the
Subscriber Members Only
Previous closed out trades not listed here may be seen in previous market letters in the VIP Subscribers Members Area.
Options Trading Strategies Notes: In Texting we have a limited amount of words. In the interest of brevity: we use 8=August , 9=September . The Quantity and Strike Price for each trade is specific.
The Quantity and Strike Price for each trade is specific.
We may trade weekly options and they are noted: SPY 1/25 147 for SPY Jan 25th 147 calls or puts.
Market Laboratory – Weekly Changes
Prices are copied from Barron’s Weekly and Yahoo Finance and may be incorrect
Dow 16,064.77 +103.07 +0.65% |
Nasdaq 3991.65 5.68 +0.14% |
S&P 500 1804.76 +6.58 +0.37% |
Transportation 7199.37 -0.16% |
Russell 2000 1124.92 8.72 +0.78% |
Nasdaq 100 3422.02 -0.56 -0.02% |
Gold (spot) 1244.0 -43.70 -3.4% |
Silver (Dec ) 1986.2 -86.5 -4.2% |
Crude 94.84 +1.00 +1.1% |
Heating Oil 303.93 9.84 +3.35% |
Unleaded Gas 2.7111 0.0722 +2.7% |
Natural Gas 3.768 +.108 +2.6% |
VIX 12.26 +0.07 +0.6% |
Put/Call Ratios S&P 100 93/100’s -4/100’s |
Put/Call Ratios CBOE Equity 59/100’s +4/100’s
Bonds 131-29 – 20 3.83% +0.03% |
10 Yr Note 126-184 -6 2.74% -0.05% |
Copper 321.40 +4.30 +1.4% |
CRB Inflation Index 275.21 +0.87 +0.03% |
Barron’s Confidence 73.1% +0.5% |
S&P100 804.95 2.85 +0.36% |
5 Yr Note 121-22+3 1.35% -0.06
Dollar 80.65 -0.16 -0.2% |
DJ Utilities 495.31 -11.60 -2.29% |
AAII Confidence Index |
Bullish 34.4% -4.8% |
Bearish 29.5% +2.0% |
Neutral 36.1 +2.8%
M1 Money Supply +8.47% November 11th |
M-2 Money Supply +6.36% November 11th |
M1…all money in hands of the public, Time Deposits Traveler’s Checks, Demand Deposits
M2.. adds Savings and Money Market Accounts both compared with the previous year.
New Stock Recommendations
Market Strategies $100,000 Trading Portfolio
Each stock is allocated a theoretical $ 5,000 share of the portfolio unless otherwise indicated.
Stock |
Purchase Price |
Purchase Date |
Stop/Loss |
Price/ Date Sold |
Profit/ (Loss) |
This Information Is For Members Only |
8.05 |
11/07 |
8.67 11/18 |
$ 310 |
1.58 |
11/04 |
6.71 |
11/04 |
8.24 11/15 |
$ 765 |
15.40 |
9/19 |
16.20 |
9/13 |
14.41 |
8/28 |
13.37 |
8/23 |
19.52 |
8/19 |
15.05 |
8/19 |
4.08 |
8/12 |
6.56 |
7/11 |
12.10 |
5/23 |
20.35 |
5/09 |
22.20 |
4/22 |
4.10 |
3/04 |
48.60 |
11/26/12 |
538 |
11/08/12 |
636 |
10/9/12 |
.25 |
3/12/12 |
.08 sco |
0.22 |
10/22/12 |
.12 sco |
Note: Previous closed out stock and option positions can be found in past Market Strategies Newsletter issues available in the Subscribers Members Area.
For those of you who do not buy puts to protect your portfolio, there are many ETF’s that are the inverse of the DOW. The symbols are DOG, DXD, SDS,TZA and RWM, which go up when the DOW, S&P 500 and Russell 2000 go down and down when they go up. The DZZ goes up double when gold goes down.
Market Strategies $100,000 Trading Portfolio
Recommendations And Overall Comments
New Trades:
1) Buy 6 AAPL Dec 13th $ 530 Calls @ $ 5.00
2) Buy 16 JBHT December 75 Calls @ $ 0.65
3) Buy 12 WTW December 32.50 Calls @ $ 0.95
We gained $ 510 in
closed out positions last week
increasing our profits for the year to a hypothetical $ 62,963
We are not counting open positions losses of about $ 12,312. We also have not counted dividends received on stocks like Apple and JP Morgan.
We have four long options positions:
The Stock table has the following 19 positions:
The options call for a $ 2,500 investment unless otherwise stated; each stock position requires $5,000 unless specifically stated.
We are basing money management on a hypothetical $ 100,000
and are using $ 4,700 in four options positions and
$ 68,802 in 19 stock positions
totaling $ 73,502 with
$ 26,498 in cash
These figures are approximate. We do not count commission costs and there may be errors.
Executions that have occurred at or near the open or close of trading sometimes vary from our actual numbers. For example, when something opens down and it is through our price, we take the next trade whether it is an uptick or continues lower. This sometimes results in a 50% trade that is slightly above or below the exact number.
Previous Week’s Recommendations and
Rules for the Market Strategies
$100,000 Portfolio Trading Account
- All options count for about $ 2,500.00 for model portfolio calculations unless otherwise stated
- When the option has doubled sell half the position
- Stop Loss protection is either half or offered with each trade
- The cost of the option is the asking price (or the price between the bid and ask, whichever is more realistic)
- The options will be followed until closed out.
- Option Symbols are stock symbol with expiration month and strike price
Option |
Cost |
Date |
Sold |
Date |
Profit/ (Loss) |
This Information Is For Members Only |
Calls 0.52 |
11/22/13 |
Calls 0.68 |
11/19/13 |
0.32 ( 50 % Loss Rule ) |
11/20/13 |
( $ 720 ) |
Calls 1.35 |
11/18/13 |
Calls 0.82 |
11/18/13 |
0.41 ( 50% Loss Rule ) |
11/22/13 |
( $ 656 ) |
Calls 0.77 |
11/13/13 |
1.18 ( Sold 8 leaves 8 ) 1.70 Sold Balance 8 |
11/15/13 11/18/13 |
$ 328 $ 744 |
Calls 0.58 |
11/11/13 |
Calls 1.10 |
11/4/13 |
1.90 ( Sold 4 leaves 4 ) 1.86 Sold Balance 8 |
11/15/13 11/18/13 |
$ 320 $ 304 |
Calls 0.45 |
10/31/13 |
0.90 ( Sold 8 leaves 8 ) 1.11 ( Sold Balance 8 |
11/14/13 11/22/13 |
$ 360 $ 528 |
Calls 0.45 |
10/18/13 |
Note: Previous closed out stock and option positions can be found in past Market Strategies Newsletter issues available in the VIP Subscribers Members Area.
NOTE: This is a Sample Issue Only!
To Lock In Your SPECIAL Low Subscription Rate
This Weeks’ Market Strategies
Economic Numbers and Media Data
10:00 hrs Pending Home Sales Oct ( 1.3% vs -5.6% )
08:30 hrs Housing Starts Sept ( 915K vs 891K )
Permits Sept ( 932K vs 918KI )
Housing Starts Oct ( 920K vs NA )
Permits Oct ( 932K vs NA )
09:00 hrs Case-Shiller 20-city Index Sept
( 13.0% vs 12.8% )
FHFA Housing Price Index Sept ( NA vs 0.3% )
10:00 hrs Consumer Confidence Nov ( 72.4 vs 71.2 )
07:00 hrs MBA Mortgage Index 11/23 ( NA vs -2.3% )
08:30 hrs Initial Claims 11/23 ( 330K vs 323K )
Continuing Claims ( 2875K vs 2976K )
Durable Goods Orders Oct ( -2.2% vs +3.8% )
DG ex-Trans ( 0.2% vs-0.2% )
09:45 hrs Chicago PMI Nov ( 58.0 vs 65.9 )
09:55 hrs Michigan Sentiment Nov ( 73.0 vs 72.0 )
10:00 hrs Leading Indicators Oct ( -0.1% vs 0.7% )
10:30 hrs Crude Inventories 11/23 ( NA vs 0.375Mln bbls )
10:30 hrs Natural Gas Inventories ( NA vs -45bcf )
Thanksgiving Holiday Mkts Closed
U.S. Markets close at 1PM EDT
in observance of the holiday.
It’s Black Friday, the traditional kickoff for the holiday shopping season. Customer Growth Partners is forecasting sales to be the slowest since 2007.
Market Strategies Trading Fundamentals
Both the Dow and S&P 500 closed at new all-time highs. The Dow closed at 16,064.77 up almost 55 points on the day and 0.65% for the week. The S&P 500 closed at 1804.76 above 1800 for the first time, another small gain for the week up just 0.37%. For the entire year, the Dow is up from a low of 12,883.89 to close at 16,064.77, a gain of 24.7%. The S&P in the same period has rallied from a low of 1398.11 to close at the new all-time high of 1804.76, a gain of 406.73 points or 29%.
Amid all the strength and new highs, there was plenty of volatility with substantial losses in some areas such as Consumer Goods, Home-Improvement stores, Broadcasting, Gold and Silver, Basic Materials and Technology. Reasonable gains continued in both Health Care and Financials.
Market Strategies Economic Data
Retail sales increased a solid 0.4% in October. Sales were flat in September after an upward revision (from -0.1%). The Briefing.com consensus expected sales to increase 0.1%.Excluding motor vehicle sales, retail sales rose 0.2% in October, down from a 0.3% gain in September. The October retail sales numbers were expected to take the brunt of the negative repercussions from the government shutdown. As the strong retail sales report shows, the government shutdown did not derail the economy or harm consumption/savings trends. This was expected after Congress quickly authorized back pay for all federal workers furloughed during the shutdown.
The National Retail Federation, a trade organization, is forecasting a sales gain of 3.9% for the year compared with last year’s 3.5% even though there are six fewer shopping days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The S&P Select Industry Index has rallied 42% this year compared to the broader S&P 500 which is up 28%.
Market Strategies Technical Information
Support Levels S&P 500 1778
Resistance S&P 500 1818
Support Levels DOW 15,734
Resistance DOW 16,190
Support Levels QQQ 8236
Resistance QQQ 8445
Support Levels Nasdaq 3904
Resistance Nasdaq 4077
Market Strategies Cycles
Trading the Thanksgiving market can be can be beneficial to the bulls. Since 1988, the Wednesday-to-Friday pattern was up 15 of 25 years with a total point gain of 672.37. Monday’s were usually losers as the total Dow losses amounted to 661.38. The Dow was down 10 of 15 years since 1998. The best strategy has been coming into the week long and exiting on strength Friday.
November maintains its status among the top performing months as fourth-quarter cash inflows from institutions drive November to lead the best consecutive three-month span November-January. The month has taken hits during bear markets and November 2000, down –22.9% (undecided election and a nascent bear), was NASDAQ’s second worst month on record—only October 1987 was worse.
In post-election years, November’s market prowess is relatively unchanged. DJIA has advanced in 12 of the last 15 post-election years since 1953 with an average gain of 1.7%. S&P 500 has been up in 11 of the past 15 post-election years. Small cap perform well with Russell 2000 climbing in 6 of the past 8 post-election years, averaging 2.6%. The only real blemishes in the November post-election year record are 1969 (DJIA –5.1%) and 1973 (DJIA –14.0%, OPEC oil embargo).
Gold prices tend to move up prior to the holidays, and the trend has worked especially well over the last 13 years. Seasonally speaking, it is best for traders to go long on or about November 19 and hold until about December 4. Over the last 38 years, this trade has worked 21 times for a success rate of 55.3% .The cumulative profit tallies up to $27,400. Up until last year this trade had been profitable for 12 straight years (2000-2011). The longer-term history of this trade is not as good, nonetheless profitable. Gold has had one of its toughest years this year, but this is a short-term trade and gold has become oversold and appears poised for a bounce. ( Stock Trader’s Almanac )
Disclaimer – Rule 17 B Attestations
Princeton has approximately 2,581,578 shares of AIVN both free and restricted and represents them for I.R.. Princeton also has about 40,000 shares of TXGE. Princeton is paid $ 1,500 per month from RMS Medical Products. Princeton has bought 81,100 shares of RMS Medical Products. Princeton will be engaged by Target Energy. No contract is currently in place. When there is no movement in penny stocks, even though there is none or very small losses, we will liquidate if money is needed for better opportunities. We now believe the two small penny stocks ( REPR and AIVN ) we represent for a total outlay of $ 4,725 is well worth the risk. The Target ADR trades at about $ 5.90 in U.S. vs 0.065 in Australia. Princeton owns 400,000 Australia shares and about 500 U.S. ADR’s.
Pursuant to the provisions of Rule 206 (4) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, readers should recognize that not all recommendations made in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of any recommendations referred to in this Email issue. Princeton may buy or sell its free-trading shares in companies it represents at any time.
Read The Complete Options Trading Alerts Newsletter Sample issue in .pdf format:
Click Here
Please Direct All Inquiries To:
Mike King (702) 650-3000
Princeton Research
3887 Pacific Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121
Phone: (702) 650-3000