Investing News Show Undervalued Immunotherapy Stocks

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Investing News Show Undervalued Immunotherapy Stocks

Money Info Investing News Show features

Undervalued Small Cap Stocks Medical Stock

The May 3, 2016 show features a live interview with:

Gloria Herndon and

Dr Jay Ellenby from

Immune Therapeutics


Hear a replay of Part 1 of the Show:


Hear a replay of Gloria Herndon and Dr Jay Ellenby from Immune Therapeutics:


About Immune Therapeutics Inc.

(Stock Symbol: IMUN)

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Immune Therapeutics is a specialty pharmaceutical company involved in the manufacturing, distribution and marketing of our novel patented therapies to combat chronic, life-threatening diseases through the activation and modulation of the body’s immune system.   The Company’s technology platform is built on two different immunotherapies, Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and Methionine-Enkephalin (MENK).


Both therapies have been decades in the making at institutions such as the Pennsylvania State University Medical School at Hershey, University of Chicago, State University of New York, and Multiple Sclerosis Center at UCSF. These efforts were pioneered by leading immunologists: Dr. Nicholas Plotnikoff, Dr. Ronald Herberman, Dr. Bernard Bihari, Ian S. Zagon, Dr. Jill Smith, Patricia McLaughlin, and Dr. Jaquelyn McCandless.

Immune Therapeutics has spent the last two years acquiring regulatory approval in emerging and developing nations for LDN marketed under the brand name Lodonal™. Lodonal™ is a highly innovative immunotherapy for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, HIV/AIDS, opportunistic infections, cancer and a range of other serious diseases. Our proprietary Opiate and T Cell Receptor technology exploits the power of the body’s own immune system to find and kill diseased cells.


Small Cap Stocks to Buy January 2016

LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone)

Low Dose Naltrexone used as an immune modulator

Low Dose Naltrexone as it is known in the United States, or Lodonal as it is known internationally, has its origins in the FDA approved 50mg Naltrexone. Originally used to treat opiate dependences, the Immune Therapeutics patented treatments, which cover a wide range of indications (link to LDN patents), is currently used as an immune modulator. See Report  — Click Here


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The Princeton Research Money Info show features where to invest now, stock market, business, economy and financial investment news.

The show is broadcast live on the internet and on the air  from the studios of Radio Station WPSL AM 1590, Port St. Lucie, Florida — The Talk of the Treasure Coast 

Money Info is hosted by professional traders and investing experts Mike King, Charles Moskowitz and Gary Cella together with radio broadcasting professional Greg Wyatt.

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Investing News Show Undervalued Immunotherapy Stocks