January 20, 2014
Market Strategies Newsletter
Sample Issue
Where To Invest
Your Money Now
Covering High Return Balanced Investing Strategies To
Make Money In Up Or Down Markets
A Publication of Princeton Research, Inc. (www.PrincetonResearch.com)
Contributing Staff: Michael King, Charles Moskowitz
Market Strategies
Stock Options Trading
$10,000 Account
There are three open positions:
CLDX Feb 28th Calls
NBG Jan 2015, $7 Calls
RPT February 15 Calls
Funds in Use $ 1,665
Market Strategies Stock Options Trading
$10,000 Account Traders Comments
Traders Comments will be added tomorrow morning.
In 2013 YTD gains were $28,479
Over 284% Returns
The $10,000 Portfolio was worth $38,479
This is an excellent return, and makes the last 3 years gains progressively greater year over year.
284% Returns for $28,400 Profits In 2013
171% Returns for $17,100 Profits In 2012
77% Returns for $7,700 Profits In 2011 (only 33 weeks)
NOTE: This is a Sample Issue Only!
To Lock In Your SPECIAL Low Subscription Rate
01/17 |
This Information Is For Members Only |
1.15 |
920 |
640 Gain |
01/16 |
1.80 |
720 |
01/15 |
0.70 |
490 |
245 Gain |
01/14 |
1.65 |
495 |
01/13 |
0.43 |
430 |
420 Loss |
01/13 |
0.85 |
850 |
01/10 |
0.35 |
525 |
10/18 |
0.45 |
450 |
Remember, these trades are based on your participation in the
Subscriber Members Only
Previous closed out trades not listed here may be seen in previous market letters in the VIP Subscribers Members Area.
Options Trading Strategies Notes: In Texting we have a limited amount of words. In the interest of brevity: we use 8=August , 9=September . The Quantity and Strike Price for each trade is specific.
The Quantity and Strike Price for each trade is specific.
We may trade weekly options and they are noted: SPY 1/25 147 for SPY Jan 25th 147 calls or puts.
Market Laboratory – Weekly Changes
Dow 16,458.56 +21.51 +0.13% |
Nasdaq 4197.58 +22.92 +0.55% |
S&P 500 1838.70 -3.67 -0.20% |
Transportation 7427.46 -38.57 -0.52% |
Russell 2000 1168.43 +3.90 +0.34% |
Nasdaq 100 3591.25 +26.16 +0.73% |
Gold (spot) 1251.70 +5.00 +0.4% |
Silver (Dec ) 2030.4 +8.1 +0.4% |
Crude 94.37 +1.65 +1.8% |
Heating Oil 302.37 +8.30 +2.8% |
Unleaded Gas 2.6204 -0.0487 -1.8% |
Natural Gas 4.326 +0.273 +6.7% |
VIX 12.44 +0.30 +2.5% |
Put/Call Ratios S&P 100 112/100’s -12/100’s |
Put/Call Ratios CBOE Equity 54/100’s +3/100’s
Bonds 131-10 +19 3.76% -0.04% |
10 Yr Note 124-134 +04 2.83%-0.03
Copper 334.45 +0.30 +0.08% |
CRB Inflation Index 278.41 +2.99 +0.13% |
Barron’s Confidence 73.0% -0.5% |
S&P100 817.33 -0.62 -0.08% |
5 Yr Note 119-264 -008 1.63%+0.01%
Dollar 81.18 +0.52 +0.7% |
DJ Utilities 492.70 -1.17 -0.24% |
AAII Confidence Index |
Bullish 39.0% -4.6% |
Bearish 21.5% -3.5% |
Neutral 39.5% +8.1% |
M1 Money Supply +9.27% January 6th |
M-2 Money Supply +5.05% January 6th |
Prices are copied from Barron’s Weekly and Yahoo Finance and may be incorrect
M1…all money in hands of the public, Time Deposits Traveler’s Checks, Demand Deposits
M2.. adds Savings and Money Market Accounts both compared with the previous year.
NOTE: This is a Sample Issue Only!
To Lock In Your SPECIAL Low Subscription Rate
New Stock Recommendations
Market Strategies
$100,000 Trading Portfolio
Each stock is allocated a theoretical $ 5,000 share of the portfolio unless otherwise indicated.
Stock |
Purchase Price |
Purchase Date |
Stop/Loss |
Price/Date Sold |
Profit/(Loss) |
This Information Is For Members Only |
15.37 |
01/16 |
10.06 |
01/10 |
7.85 |
12/30 |
0.78 |
12/30 |
16.22 |
12/23 |
32.64 |
12/23 |
4.31 |
12/23 |
13.12 |
12/19 |
13.62 01/07 |
250 |
12.14 |
11/20 |
12.71sco |
13.00 01/17 |
344 |
8.94 |
11/18 |
9.26x |
19.52 |
8/19 |
4.08 |
8/12 |
6.56 |
7/11 |
12.10 |
5/23 |
22.20 |
4/22 |
4.10 |
3/04 |
2.64sco |
538 |
11/08/12 |
636 |
10/9/12 |
.25 |
3/12/12 |
.08 sco |
0.22 |
10/22/12 |
.12 sco |
Recommendations will be both listed in this letter and texted to members.
Previous closed out stock and option positions can be found in past Market Strategies Newsletter issues available in the Subscribers Members Area.
For those of you who do not buy puts to protect your portfolio, there are many ETF’s that are the inverse of the DOW. The symbols are DOG, DXD, SDS,TZA and RWM, which go up when the DOW, S&P 500 and Russell 2000 go down and down when they go up. The DZZ goes up double when gold goes down.
Market Strategies
$100,000 Trading Portfolio
Recommendations And Overall Comments
We had two closed out options positions last week and one stock position.
Our losses for the new year were reduced to $ 2,435.
For the full year 2013 we had realized gains of $ 53,556.
We have open position losses of about $ 5,647 most of which are held over from last year.
We also have not counted dividends received on stocks like Apple, Nordic American ( NAT ) and JP Morgan.
We have three long options positions:
The Stock table has the following 19 positions:
The options call for a $ 2,500 investment unless otherwise stated; each stock position requires $5,000 unless specifically stated.
We are basing money management on a
hypothetical $ 100,000 and are
Using $ 2,970 in three options positions and
$ 67,570 in 19 stock positions
totaling $ 70,540 with
$ 29,460 in cash.
These figures are approximate. We do not count commission costs and there may be errors.
Executions that have occurred at or near the open or close of trading sometimes vary from our actual numbers. For example, when something opens down and it is through our price, we take the next trade whether it is an uptick or continues lower. This sometimes results in a 50% trade that is slightly above or below the exact number.
Previous Week’s Recommendations and
Rules for the Market Strategies
$100,000 Portfolio Trading Account
- All options count for about $ 2,500.00 for model portfolio calculations unless otherwise stated
- When the option has doubled sell half the position
- Stop Loss protection is either half or offered with each trade
- The cost of the option is the asking price (or the price between the bid and ask, whichever is more realistic)
- The options will be followed until closed out.
- Option Symbols are stock symbol with expiration month and strike price
Option |
Cost |
Date |
Sold |
Date |
Profit/(Loss) |
This Information Is For Members Only |
Calls 1.80 |
01/16/14 |
Calls 1.65 |
01/14/14 |
Calls 0.85 |
01/13/14 |
0.43 ( 50% Loss Rule) |
01/13/14 |
( $ 840 ) |
Calls 0.35 |
0.70 ( 100% Profit Rule Half 1.15 Sold Balance |
01/17/14 |
$ 525
$ 1200 |
Calls 0.45 |
10/18/13 |
Note: Previous closed out stock and option positions can be found in past Market Strategies Newsletter issues available in the VIP Subscribers Members Area.
This Weeks’ Market Strategies
Economic Numbers and Media Data
Monday | Martin Luther King Day Markets closed
Tuesday | Baker Hughes and Delta Airlines ( 0.64 vs 0.28 ) report
before the open Followed by JNJ, Forrest Labs, Halliburton After the close: ADTN ( .16 vs.12 ) Cree ( 0.39 vs 0.32 ) IBM ( 6.01 vs 5.39 ) TXN (.50 vs .36 ) and XLNX ( .54 vs .38 )
Master Card splits 10 for 1
Wednesday | Before the open:
MSI ( 1.62 vs 1.10 ) GD ( 1.76 vs 1.39 ) Molex ( 46 vs 39 ) Norfolk and Southern (1.51 vs 1.30 ) USB ( 0.75 vs 0.75 ) UTX ( 1.53 vs 1.04
07:00 hrs MBA Mortgage Index 01/18 ( NA vs 11.9% )
After the close: JEC ( 73 vs 76 ) FBC ( 0.21 vs 1.21 ) RFJ ( 73 vs 69 ) URI ( 1.48 vs 1.27 )
Thursday | ALK ( 1.01 vs 0.70 )
Baxter ( 1.25 flat ) UNP ( 2.49 vs 2.19 ) MCD ( 1.39 vs 1.38 )
08:30 hrs Initial Claims 01/18 ( 327K vs 326K ) Continuing Claims 01/1 ( 2900K vs 3030K
09:00 hrs FHFA Housing Price Index Nov ( NA vs 0.5% )
10:00 hrs Existing Home Sales Dec ( 4.90 vs Same )
10:00 hrs Leading Economic Indicators Dec ( 0.2% vs 0.8% )
10:30 hrs Natural Gas Inventories 1/18 ( NA vs -287bcf )
11:00 hrs Crude Inventories 1/18 ( NS vs -7.658Mln bbls )
After the close MSFT ( .68 vs .76 ) SBUX (.69 vs .57 ) Discover Financial Services (DFS 1.19 ) JNPR ( .37 vs.28 )
Friday | Bristol-Myers Squibb,
Kimberly Clark and Procter & Gamble report earnings
Energy Transfer Equity splits 2 for 1
Market Strategies Economic Data
Most of the economics reports were positive: The Treasury Budget showed a surplus of $ 53.2 bln in December after showing a deficit of $ 1.2 bln in December 2012. The consensus expected a surplus of $ 44.0 bln. It was unusual that there was surplus beyond what was expected by the Congressional Budget Office. ( CBO ). Total revenues increased by $ 13.7 bln from $ 269 bln in December 2012.
Outlays fell to $ 230 bln from $ 270.7 bln in December 2012. Retail Sales grew well above expectations 0.2% better vs flat expectations. Retail Sales ex-auto advances 0.7% vs expectations of + 0.4%.
Business inventories advanced 0.4% vs expectations of 0.3%.
Both the NY and Phila Fed reports excelled. Empire Manufacturing was 12.5 for January vs just 3.5 December. The Phily Fed rose slightly to 9.4 from 8.0.
JOLTs ( new job openings ) increased again to 4 .001 Mln. Industrial Production was about flat even though Capacity Utilization rose to 79.2%, the very best reading for the year.
Market Strategies Trading Fundamentals
Markets were flat yet again for the week. The market digested the poor Intel earnings and Nasdaq led the with a small 0.55% gain for the week. The S&P was slightly higher; the Dow was a little lower. The best performing stocks included Alcoa, up 12.3%, JNPR up 10.4%;
We texted to buy the Alcoa, took some option profits and remain long some AA shares.
If the TLT can keep rising, even though slowly, and it looks like it can go higher, the results will be favorable as earnings hold up reasonably well. There were some huge downside moves.
NUS ( 79.47 ) – 58.21 or -42.3% and HLF -11.61 or -14.2%. The Chinese government stepped in to question sales practices of Nuskin, something even our government has let slide.
Interest rates rising is the biggest threat to continued stock market rallies. Last week the Fed was again a financial winner. The Fed has quadrupled the size of its balance sheet to about $ 4 trillion and its value blossomed. The Fed current quantitative easing program is working and the $ 10 billion in QE reductions to $ 75 billion per month is of little consequence.
Fed officials are watching employment numbers as a clue to further Fed action and got no help last week with the small increase of jobs . U.S. unemployment was 10% in 2009 and has now dropped to 6.7 % in December not that far from the Fed goal of 6.5% unemployment.
Nonfarm Payrolls were influenced by the worst weather in decades, certainly not a harbinger of a trend.
Seven of the ten Dow economic groups were higher led by Healthcare, up 2.86%.
Utilities rose 2.33%; Financials continued their lofty ways, up 0.70%.
Technology grew 0.61% despite the demise in Apple ( AAPL: $ 532.94 ) – $ 10.99 for the week and $ 38.09 on the year.
Industrials, Consumer Goods and Services were all positive rounding out the winners.
Oil and Gas was flat. Basic Materials fell 0.41%, while Telecommunications fell 1.94%, by far the most of any group.
Market Strategies Technical Information
Support Levels S&P 500 1823 – 1775
Resistance S&P 500 1864
Support Levels DOW 16,334
Resistance DOW 16,584
Support Levels QQQ 86.86
Resistance QQQ 87.90
Support Levels Nasdaq 4084 – 4000
Resistance Nasdaq 4197 – 4240
Market Strategies Cycles
The biggest winner so far among the January Effect trades which go until February 15th, was Origin Agritech ( SEED: $ 2.40 ) up 110% followed by Rare Element Resources ( REE $ 1.63 ) plus 38%.
One of the losers so far is Target Energy ( TEXQY: $ 3.51 ) down 16%. Princeton Research has bought shares and is also doing I.R. for the company.
Weight Watchers ( NYSE: WTW $ 28.97 ) ( $ 32.13 ) stopped out. Disappointing…made its high point for the year on January 16th at $ 60.30. January is the time for New Year’s resolutions for many over-weight people. Also, as of the end of November 7 million shares were short out of just 27.5 million in the float out of 56.5 million shares outstanding.
Walters Energy ( NYSE: WLT $ 13.96 ) ( $ 14.79 )As low coal prices improve such will also help this leveraged play. 23.15 million shares were short as of the end of November. The stock reached $ 17.02 on January 2nd.
Nuverra Environmental Solutions ( NYSE: NES $ 15.20 ) ( 16.28 ) Has been the biggest loser so far. Prospects in waste management and water recycling has made a partnership with Halliburton. The high for the year 2013 was $ 44.20. A bounce is likely from current depressed levels.
Target Energy* ( ADR: TEXQY $ 4.10 ) ( 4.19 )This Australia based oil explorer and producer is very undervalued. Go to www.targetenergyusa.com . Drilling is in both the Permian Basin and Louisiana. For more information go to www.princetonresearch.com web site as we do investor relations for them.
Apache ( NYSE: APA $ 86.20 ) ( 86.41 ) Has been under siege in the past 30 days with avalanches of selling which must include some tax-loss selling. APA sells at a discount to peers with a PE of just 12x consensus forecasts of $ 7.50 a share for next year.
Cirrus Logic ( CRUS: $ 19.08 ) ( 19.86 ) No debt and a current ratio of 6.12. A nice opportunity.
NOTE: This is a Sample Issue Only!
To Lock In Your SPECIAL Low Subscription Rate
Disclaimer – Rule 17 B Attestations
Princeton has approximately 2,581,578 shares of AIVN both free and restricted and represents them for I.R.. Princeton also has about 40,000 shares of TXGE. Princeton is paid $ 1,500 per month from RMS Medical Products. Princeton has bought 81,100 shares of RMS Medical Products. Princeton will be engaged by Target Energy. No contract is currently in place. When there is no movement in penny stocks, even though there is none or very small losses, we will liquidate if money is needed for better opportunities. We now believe the two small penny stocks ( REPR and AIVN ) we represent for a total outlay of $ 4,725 is well worth the risk. The Target ADR trades at about $ 4.50 in U.S. vs 0.045 in Australia. Princeton owns 400,000 Australia shares and about 500 U.S. ADR’s. Princeton is paid about 500,000 shares of Leo Motors.
Pursuant to the provisions of Rule 206 (4) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, readers should recognize that not all recommendations made in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of any recommendations referred to in this Email issue. Princeton may buy or sell its free-trading shares in companies it represents at any time.
Please Direct All Inquiries To:
Mike King
(702) 650-3000
Princeton Research
3887 Pacific Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121
Visit: www.princetonresearch.com
Where To Invest
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