Financial News Radio Shows – October 2011

October 2011

Financial News Radio Shows

October 27 show featured Terry Howlett Pres. & CEO Skinvisible Pharmaceuticals (SKVI) a research-and-development company that licenses its proprietary formulations made with Invisicare®, its patented polymer delivery system that offers life-cycle management and unique enhancements for topically delivered products. Invisicare® holds active ingredients on the skin for extended periods of time resisting both wash off and perspiration along with controlling the release of actives and reducing irritation. Skinvisible receives a combination of research and development fees, upfront license fees, and ongoing royalties for the life of the Invisicare® patent. Skinvisible’s value lies in its ability to continually generate new IP (Intellectual. Property) on dermatology and medical products formulated with Invisicare®.

This month the company announced that its DermSafe(R) Hand Sanitizing Lotion has received the “Seal of Approval” from the Dermatology Review Panel(TM) (“DRP”). DRP is an independent panel of dermatologists that reviews scientific data for non-prescription products in order to authenticate a product’s claims. DRP dermatologists evaluated Skinvisible’s scientific data and validated the following claims for DermSafe Hand Sanitizer: DermSafe is alcohol-free, it offers protection from harmful bacteria, it resists wash-off and it provides a moisture barrier for the hands. DermSafe, marketed by Alto Pharmaceuticals in Canada, will soon display the DRP Seal on its promotional materials and packaging. Watch Webcast or Hear Audio


October 25 show featured Howard Phykitt, CEO of PharmStar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (PHAR). Mr. Phykitt is the inventor AQUAPRIN™, the signature pain reliever that is being commercialized for distribution by Pharmstar. PharmStar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a U.S.based drug development, manufacturing and marketing company and the innovator of Aquaprin, an FDA approved Over-the-Counter (OTC) liquid pain reliever.

In development since 1993 with over $3 million invested to-date, Aquaprin™ is a liquid derivative of aspirin based on a patent-pending formula. The product is designed to dissolve nearly instantly in just 1.5 ounces of water, which can be absorbed into the bloodstream up to 10 times faster than traditional OTC pain relievers, and with little to no stomach upset.

Mr Phykitt will provide insight into the development of Aquaprin., He has extensive experience in the design and implementation of pharmaceutical manufacturing products. Working with companies such as Monsanto, Warner-Lambert, Durkee Foods, Johnson & Johnson (McNeil), American Home Products and many other pharmaceutical companies, Mr. Phykitt has been tabbed with the bringing a litany of current name brand products to full production. Pharmstar has completed all patenting of AQUAPRIN™ and the necessary protection of its intellectual property. Research and development of AQUAPRIN™ has been completed, and the company is preparing a full scale production facility for retail marketing in 2012.

We also interviewed Andrew Lai, CFO of Lucas Energy (LEI) an Independent oil & gas company with oil properties in the the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale Trend. Lucas owns 4400 net acres in the Eagle Ford Trend within an area that is gaining popularity as one of the hottest American oil plays.

Last Week Lucas announced completion of Rainey Unit No.1H well as a pumping horizontal oil well in the Austin Chalk formation. Although an Austin Chalk completion, the Rainey Unit No.1H well is on acreage which is located in the newly developed oil leg of the Eagle Ford trend. Lucas Energy (LEI) resources could be significant. Lucas directly benefited from Marathon’s (MRO) purchase of Hilcorp. Since July the Company has been meeting with investment banking groups to discuss various possible future plans concerning its 4,400 net Eagle Ford acres. With a correlative value of $95 million, based on the Marathon Oil Corporation acquisition of the Hilcorp Eagle Ford acreage in June 2011, (about $4.20 per share fully diluted), Lucas is considering the different alternatives, including but not limited to converting the position to cash and focusing on the development of the Austin Chalk reserves.

On September 20 an investment analyst firm initiated Coverage and BUY Rating For Lucas Energy click here to read the reportWatch Webcast or Hear Audio


October 20 show featured Investment Strategies for Stocks Forex Market, Economic Analysis and  Erick Siffert COO of Respect Your Universe, Inc. (Symbol: RYUN), a premium performance apparel and equipment company rooted in and inspired by Mixed Martial Arts. Focused on the needs of the athlete, RYU brings innovative design, development and production of premium authentic performance gear with style to mixed martial artists and athlete enthusiasts worldwide. The RYU brand is based on respect, honor and sustainability.

The Company has moved past the development stage. In August RYU launched its online Web store and placed their first product order for the debut of their spring 2012 premium high performance line.

This month RYU was profiled on the front page of the Portland Business Journal Oct 14 2011 Issue after making their runway debut at Portland Fashion Week on October 6th 2011 as one of the leading designers in athletic-wear to showcase their Spring 2012 Men’s High Performance Line Watch Webcast or Hear Audio



October 18 show featured Ross Senior , CEO ProtoKinetix, Inc. (PKTX.OB) a biotechnology company that as developed and patented a family of synthetic anti-aging glycopeptides (AAGP™) for medicine and the biotechnology and cosmetic industries. Protokinetix engages in the R & D of anti-aging glycopeptides (AAGPs™) for enhancing the health and extending the life of biologically sensitive cells.

Last month the company received Excellent Results from a University of British Columbia Eye inflammation Study. Which opens up entirely new potential applications for AAGP’s™. In August, Protokinetix completed a sale of AAGP™ as a vital tool to protect delicate cells in the process of utilizing stem cells.

In May Protokinetix entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Imaginative Research Associates, Inc. to formulate a topical anti-inflammation product for the skin care market. Over the last 23-years Imaginative Research Associates, Inc. has successfully partnered with several large pharmaceutical dermatology and cosmetic companies and has licensed out patents and know-how to launch many leading products in the skin care arena – Watch Webcast or Hear Audio


October 13 show featured Andrew Lai, CFO of Lucas Energy (LEI) an Independent oil & gas company with oil properties in the the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale Trend. Lucas owns 4400 net acres in the Eagle Ford Trend within an area that is gaining popularity as one of the hottest American oil plays.

Last Week Lucas announced completion of Rainey Unit No.1H well as a pumping horizontal oil well in the Austin Chalk formation. Although an Austin Chalk completion, the Rainey Unit No.1H well is on acreage which is located in the newly developed oil leg of the Eagle Ford trend. Lucas Energy (LEI) resources could be significant. Lucas directly benefited from Marathon’s (MRO) purchase of Hilcorp. Since July the Company has been meeting with investment banking groups to discuss various possible future plans concerning its 4,400 net Eagle Ford acres. With a correlative value of $95 million, based on the Marathon Oil Corporation acquisition of the Hilcorp Eagle Ford acreage in June 2011, (about $4.20 per share fully diluted), Lucas is considering the different alternatives, including but not limited to converting the position to cash and focusing on the development of the Austin Chalk reserves.

On September 20 an investment analyst firm initiated Coverage and BUY Rating For Lucas Energy click here to read the report

Mr. Lai has over 20 years of corporate and financial experience primarily in the exploration and production sector of the oil and gas energy industry, with specialization in the finance, legal and administrative functions – Watch Webcast or Hear Audio



October 11 show featured William Sawyer, CEO of Lucas Energy (LEI) an Independent oil & gas company with oil properties in the the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale Trend. Lucas owns 4400 net acres in the Eagle Ford Trend within an area that is gaining popularity as one of the hottest American oil plays.

Mr. Sawyer is a proven hands-on energy executive with over 35 years of diversified experience in the energy industry with firms such as ARCO, Houston Oil & Minerals, The Superior Oil Company, and Energy Resources Company (ERCO) Hear Audio


October 6 show featured Ross Senior , CEO ProtoKinetix, Inc. (PKTX.OB) a biotechnology company that as developed and patented a family of synthetic anti-aging glycopeptides (AAGP™) for medicine and the biotechnology and cosmetic industries. Protokinetix engages in the R & D of anti-aging glycopeptides (AAGPs™) for enhancing the health and extending the life of biologically sensitive cells.

Last month the company received Excellent Results from a University of British Columbia Eye inflammation Study. Which opens up entirely new potential applications for AAGP’s™. In August, Protokinetix completed a sale of AAGP™ as a vital tool to protect delicate cells in the process of utilizing stem cells.

In May Protokinetix entered into a Joint Venture Agreement with Imaginative Research Associates, Inc. to formulate a topical anti-inflammation product for the skin care market. Over the last 23-years Imaginative Research Associates, Inc. has successfully partnered with several large pharmaceutical dermatology and cosmetic companies and has licensed out patents and know-how to launch many leading products in the skin care arena — Watch Webcast or Hear Audio


October 4 show featured Will Gray CEO of Cross Border Resources, Inc. (Symbol: XBOR), an oil and gas exploration company, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, focusing on non-operated opportunities with proven operators within the Permian Basin. Cross Border consists of over 800,000 gross (approximately 300,000 net) mineral and lease acres within the state of New Mexico targeting various emerging plays including the 1st & 2nd Bone Spring, and more conventional plays such as the Abo, Yeso, San Andres as well as our Wolfberry acreage located in West Texas — Watch Webcast or Hear Audio


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