Electric Boat Technology Stock on Investing News Show
Electric Vehicle Technology Stock
Electric Boat Technology Stock
Leo Motors, Inc.
Stock Symbol: LEOM
Featured on Investing News Show
Visit Corporate Site: LeoMotors.com
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Interview with Robert Kang Chairman & CEO
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Leo Motors, Inc. is a electric boat and vehicle technology stock involved in Electric Power Boat Technology, Electric Motor Development, Energy Storage Devices, Electric Conversion Kits and Electric Boat Technology.
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Mr Kang discusses new developments for Leo Motors proprietary new electric powerboat propulsion system. The Company has developed an electric power system for both small and medium sized fishing and power boats as the main propulsion system. The electric boats are used throughout Korea, China and Japan for
the important coastal farming of numerous commercial products such as abalone and seaweed.
Electric Power Boat Technology NEWS
LGM Delivered the First Inland Water Fishing Boat – See News — LGM, a subsidiary of Leo Motors Inc. (OTCQB: LEOM) delivered the first high-speed electric fishing boat to the Korean government. Appointed as the sole partner of Korea’s electric boat program, LGM has developed the high-speed electric boat with the aid of a government subsidy. The boat passed all required testing for certification from the Korean government.
This electric boat operates at speeds faster than its internal combustion engine (ICE) counterparts. The sailing range of LGM’s e-boat is longer than ICE fishing boat as LGM uses its patented cartridge battery system which enables the sailor to freely extend the range of the e-boat.
LGM’s Clean Boat to Sail in the Chinese National Park — See News — LGM Enters MOU with Shanghai Bosster IMP & EXP for Sales of Electric Propellant Systems
LGM Debuts 660 HP Electric Power Boat Propulsion System — See News — LGM, Inc., a subsidiary of Leo Motors Inc. (OTCQB: LEOM) unveiled their proprietary new electric powerboat propulsion system at the 2017 Busan Boat Show in Korea. The new LGM powerboat electric propulsion system produces up to 660 horse power (HP) and is compatible with most power boats and yachts.
Leo has patents for the electric battery industry. They have developed a lithium battery that can operate vehicles in sub-zero climates.
Their subsidiary LGM has developed battery technology supported by the Korean government to make it possible to use electric battery technology for fishing boats.
Fishing has been harmed by the noise and oil leaks from internal combustion engines. LGM has solved that problem and besides eliminating the toxic problem, operating costs are reduced by 25%.
In addition they have a special patent for averting electric hazards and shocks. Leo developed the Internet of Things for e-boats which is networked and connected with an Android Operating System. Leo’s power supply system is CAN (Controller Area Network) based, which enables mobile diagnostics between mobile devices and boats using the Leo technology.
Robert Kang
Chairman & CEO
Dr. Kang has a Ph. D. in marketing and worked in the field of international advertising and corporate marketing for more than 30 years. He began his carrier at Oricom, the largest ad agency in Korea and a McCann Ericson affiliate. He founded Ad Express and On&Off and managed the firms for 11 years. He served as president of Pico North Asian, a multinational global event marketing company in Hong Kong. Dr. Kang has worked in the Company as CEO and interim CFO during 2008~2011. Currently, he is working as the chairman of Talent Donation Consultant Association and Head Professor of Business Consultant Starter School of the City Government of Seoul. Dr. Kang focuses on business development and financing of Leo Motors. He received his BS (literature) from Korea University, MA (Advertising) from University of Oregon, and Ph. D. (Marketing) at Dongguk University.
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